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Sweet Dreams is a set of investment project developments in the field of agronomic products transformation in the Indonesian terroirs, dedicated to the fine products. Sweet Dreams is an initiative of Thomas Pellegrini and Marc Le Moullec. The development of the projects is legally carried out by PT Enrique Indonesia's team.

PT Valhrona Bali Chocolate Park (2016 – 2020)

PT Valrhona Bali Chocolate Park is a joint venture between Valrhona, through its holding company Sonafi, and PT Bali Tanah Lot Permai, the owner of Bali Culinary Pastry School. The project consists of the creation of a Valrhona Centre of Excellence. The site will house:

  • a varietal garden;

  • a regional cocoa sourcing basecamp;

  • a chocolate creation residence for professionals;

  • a mini-factory of premium, ultra-premium and personalised chocolates;

  • a pastry school for professionals and gourmets, and finally

  • a site of discovery of the art of chocolate making for the general public.

Enrique Indonesia proposed a concept to investors and took responsibility for the project management (business plan, local partnership, legal studies, design and equipment plan of the whole project...).

keywords: project management - concept design - legal due diligence - risk analysis business plan - market studies - terroir questionnaire & analysis - land surveys - cocoa sourcing - varietal garden - factory process design - equipment procurement plan - architecture brief & design - tender preparation

Native Fruits (2020 - on going)

The aim of the project is to offer chefs and the general public public well-known and forgotten exotic fruits, introduced or native to Southeast Asia, processed into cold pasteurized pure juices, compotes / purees, freeze-dried, syrups, etc.

keywords: project management - concept design - legal due diligence - risk analysis - business plan - market studies - terroir questionnaire & analysis - land surveys - local sourcing - varietal garden - factory process design - equipment procurement plan - zero waste - bio-energy - architecture brief & green design - tender preparation

Gutta-percha Reactivation (2020 - on going)


Preliminary study on gutta percha as a material option for a food container. This natural latex, taken from guttiferous trees native to the Malaysian region, had many industrial uses before being downgraded by the first synthetic plastics of the 20th century.

A feasibility study should make it possible to establish whether this biobased plastic can once again meet environmental and health requirements relating to the management of residual materials economically. It should also be usable by ancillary food industries (chocolates, drinks, etc.) sharing a consignment channel, collecting and washing the containers to put them back into circulation.

keywords: project management - concept design - food grade testing - business model - species preservation - local sourcing - factory process design - equipment procurement plan - zero waste - eco-designed containers - traceability - circular economy


Creation of temporary geomatics departments, during the engineering and construction phases.


Colas Rail - Iroda Mitra (2018 - 2019)

Rail alignment survey management of 3 lines of Light Rail Transit (total length 42 km): Cibubur-Cawang, Cawang-Dukuh Atas, Bekasi Timur-Cawang.

keywords: reference network - suspended structure survey management

PT Royal Lestari Utama (2018 - on going)

(Investment of US $ 500 million)


Construction, maintenance and QC management of a rubber plantation owned by Barito Group and Michelin.

keywords: construction - QC - maintenance management

PT Royal Lestari Utama (2016)


Cartography and land characterisation of  rubber agro-industrial plantations in Kalimantan and Sumatra, Indonesia. Contract area: 91,330 hectares.

keywords: aerial photography - airborne LiDAR survey - photogrammetry - land use - tree counting - geographic information system - cartography

PT Synthetic Rubber Indonesia - U3 Project (2016 – 2017)

(Investment of US $ 435 million)

The goal of the U3 Project is to design, build and commission a New Synthetic Rubber Factory located at Cilegon District, Banten Province. (Michelin/Chandra Asri Petrochemical).

keywords: reference network - construction survey - quantity survey

PT Weda Bay Nickel (2011 – 2016)

(investment up to US$ 5 billion)

PT Weda Bay Nickel (Eramet/Mitsubishi Corporation/Pacific Metals Co/Antam). Contract area: 54,874 hectares construction activities: road network, conveyor, industrial complex, power plant, airport, port & jetties, accommodation camp, pipeline, mining sites, other utilities.

keywords: reference network - legal - construction - exploration - mining - bathymetric survey - geographic information system - wave & current profil - sea levels - river flow - water quality - weather station

PT Saipem Indonesia (2009 – 2011) Saipem Karimun Yard Construction Project

(investment of US $ 450 million)

130 hectares of marine base & load out quays (900 m), fabrication facilities (open storage area, piping shops, prefabrication shops, assembly Hall, welding line, sand blasting & painting area, warehouse & bulk storage area) and other facilities (power plant, main office building, accomodation & recreational area, heliport).

keywords: reference network - legal survey - construction survey - bathymetric survey - dimension control - wave & current profil - sea levels - weather station

© 2021 PT Enrique Indonesia
Jl. Kendal n°3 . Menteng . Jakarta 10310 . Indonesia
T (62-21) 314 92 67 - F (62-21) 310 11 14 -

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